From this version, we need to make decisions and remove code if necessary on:
- treatMultiValuedAs => probably remove now (with MultiValuedMode) and open an issue to support sortable multivalues at Hibernate Search level
- remove onMissingValue for distance sort and open an issue to support missing values for distance or at least first/last
- Remove withComputeMethod on distance sorts and open an issue to support the various compute methods (pending Nicolas Helleringer 's feedback.
- remove withComparator until we understand the use case and address compatibility
- decide on the support for native (I think it should go)
- make a decision on andByIndexOrder (this could go away IMO)
- decide whether we want to support SortField.Type.STRING_VAL: I think we can ask people to use the native api for that use case
- make a decision on andByScore (this could remain IMO)
- should we keep in(Unit)
I am done with it on my side. Any taker to drive this one home? 179708d10 |