{quote} Seems from Hardy's logs there is no multicast address associated with your loopback network, so this command adds it. {quote} OOI, which line exactly told you that?
{quote} It's not a permanent change: a reboot would get rid of it. {quote} Got that. So I would have to manually change the permanent routing table config to make this work. Doesn't sounds to good to me. I needed to catch up a little on the whole multicast and routing table issues. This links helped * http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Multicast-HOWTO-2.html * http://blogs.agilefaqs.com/2009/11/08/enabling-multicast-on-your-macos-unix/ (Also answers how you would remove the route {{$ sudo route -v delete -inet 228 224 .0.0.4}})
{quote} Now the big question is what do we do about it. Being able to start tests without fiddling with system settings seems like an important requirement to me {quote} +1, absolutely. And I am still not sure what changed so that it does not work anymore even w/o this additional route. It for sure did work before when the default route was used.
{quote} I'll check with Bela why this wasn't a requirement before, {quote} +1
{quote} Turns out it's a known regression: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JGRP-1808 {quote} So I guess we wait for now to see what Bela comes up with?