Sincere Thanks for the speedy attention you gave this defect.
...your analysis wrt SessionImpl is completely inaccurate...
Don't shoot the messenger, my friend. I don't think it is unreasonable for me as an application developer to wanna be able to say, without having to be an expert on the whys and wherefors of object relationship mapping tools. Likewise, I don't think it is unreasonable for me as a Java coder to expect something as basic as x.equals(x) to return true, without needing to be an expert on the art and science of proxies. "Das Not My Yob, Mane" Sure. It's nice to learn stuff I didn't know before. But, my honest feelings about the implementation minutiae of how Hibernate chooses to override Object.equals(Object), is perfectly summed up by Clark Gable's line in Gone With The Wind: "Frankly, Charlotte..." Again, sincere thanks for looking into this. |