* Creates a query that selects the revisions at which the given entity was modified. Unless a
* projection is set, the result will be a list of 4-element arrays, containing the following:
* <ol>
* <li>The entity instance</li>
* <li>Revision entity, corresponding to the revision where the entity was modified. If no custom
* revision entit yis used, this will be an instance of {@link org.hibernate.envers.DefaultRevisionEntity}.</li>
* <li>The revision type, an enum of class {@link org.hibernate.envers.RevisionType}.</li>
* <li>The names of the properties changed in this revision</li>
* </ol>
* Additional criterion may be specified to filter the result set.
* @param clazz Class of the entities for which to query.
* @param selectDeletedEntities If true, the result set will include revisions where entities were deleted.
* @return the audit query
@Incubating(since = "6.0")
public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntityWithChanges(Class<?> clazz, boolean selectDeletedEntities);
* Creates a query that selects the revisions at which the given entity was modified. Unless a
* projection is set, the result will be a list of 4-element arrays, containing the following:
* <ol>
* <li>The entity instance</li>
* <li>Revision entity, corresponding to the revision where the entity was modified. If no custom
* revision entit yis used, this will be an instance of {@link org.hibernate.envers.DefaultRevisionEntity}.</li>
* <li>The revision type, an enum of class {@link org.hibernate.envers.RevisionType}.</li>
* <li>The names of the properties changed in this revision</li>
* </ol>
* Additional criterion may be specified to filter the result set.
* @param clazz Class of the entities for which to query.
* @param entityName Name of the entity (if it can't be guessed basing on the {@code clazz}).
* @param selectDeletedEntities If true, the result set will include revisions where entities were deleted.
* @return the audit query
@Incubating(since = "6.0")
public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntityWithChanges(Class<?> clazz, String entityName, boolean selectDeletedEntities);