I have recently migrated my project from some old com.mycompany -> in.mycompany to keep it consistent with my company's domain. After the migration, hibernate update queries are failing saying *unexpected token: in antlr.NoViableAltException: unexpected token: in* Here is the cleaned log QueryTranslatorImpl: parse() - HQL: update in.mycompany.domain.Entity e set e.prop = ?1 where e.id = ?2 ErrorCounter: line 1:8: unexpected token: in ErrorCounter: line 1:8: unexpected token: in ErrorCounter: line 1:8: This error occurs only for update statement, but not for select for some reason. This error occurs in org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl at the following part.
private HqlParser parse(boolean filter) throws TokenStreamException, RecognitionException {
final HqlParser parser = HqlParser.getInstance( hql );
parser.setFilter( filter );
LOG.debugf( "parse() - HQL: %s", hql );