Hard timeout is implemented by us client side. For the soft Soft timeout we need to rely on Elasticsearch is implemented too , but it seems that there is an issue related to the fact that currently not tested because :
{quote}Timeout resolution is very low, so it's uneffective unless the query takes a really long time to execute.{quote}
We should find a way to test it regardless, for example by configuring Elasticsearch to use a higher time resolution (is it even possible?), or by crafting a query that we know will take forever to execute (how?).
See full discussion here: [https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-search/pull/2158#commitcomment-36306546|https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-search/pull/2158#commitcomment-36306546]
See {{org.hibernate.search.integrationtest.backend.elasticsearch.testsupport.util.ElasticsearchTckBackendFeatures#fastTimeoutResolution}}. |