I have the following set:
{{<set name="roles" lazy="false" table="consumer_roles"> <key column="consumer" foreign-key="FKConsumerRolesConsumer"/> <many-to-many column="role" class="com.example.Role" foreign-key="FKConsumerRolesRole"/> </set> }}
In 4.2.11.Final, the foreign key names FKConsumerRolesConsumer and FKConsumerRolesRole are properly honoured, generated [Postgresql]SQL looks like this:
{{alter table consumer_roles add constraint FKConsumerRolesRole foreign key (role) references role; alter table consumer_roles add constraint FKConsumerRolesConsumer foreign key (consumer) references consumer;}}
In 5.0.2.Final, both names get auto-generated (despite the foreign-key attribute being defined in the hbm.xml definition), it looks like this:
{{alter table consumer_roles add constraint FK48dmxni8c7c85pvwgooneoy92 foreign key (role) references role; alter table consumer_roles add constraint FKtr3o7se0v5nhgy29tosm9a6ek foreign key (consumer) references consumer;}}
Interesting enough, in 5.0.3.Final, one of the foreign-key definitions worked (see FKConsumerRolesConsumer) but the other one still gets auto-generated.
{{alter table consumer_roles add constraint FK48dmxni8c7c85pvwgooneoy92 foreign key (role) references role; alter table consumer_roles add constraint FKConsumerRolesConsumer foreign key (consumer) references consumer;}}