Sanne Grinovero commented on Improvement OGM-298

Possibly, but not everyone is a Maven guru, and the "simplicity" of these methods are not helping my memory either. What I mean with "too much knowledge" is not just how to use Maven, but also that an in-depth knowledge of the project structure is required. It's not beginners friendly.

If I checkout Lucene, you get a build.xml. I then invoke "ant -p" which is all I ever need ro remember, and this is the output I get:

Main targets:

 check-svn-working-copy       Checks the status of the SVN working copy
 clean                        Clean Lucene and Solr build dirs
 clean-eclipse                Removes all Eclipse configuration files
 clean-idea                   Removes all IntelliJ IDEA configuration files
 clean-maven-build            Clean up Maven POMs in working copy
 compile                      Compile Lucene and Solr
 compile-test                 Compile Lucene and Solr tests and test-frameworks
 documentation                Generate Lucene and Solr Documentation
 documentation-lint           Validates the generated documentation (HTML errors, broken links,...)
 eclipse                      Setup Eclipse configuration
 generate-maven-artifacts     Generate Maven Artifacts for Lucene and Solr
 get-maven-poms               Copy Maven POMs from dev-tools/maven/ to maven-build/
 idea                         Setup IntelliJ IDEA configuration
 ivy-bootstrap                Download and install Ivy in the users ant lib dir
 jar                          Build Lucene and Solr Jar files
 jar-checksums                Recompute SHA1 checksums for all JAR files.
 nightly-smoke                Builds an unsigned release and smoke tests it
 pitest                       Run PITest on both Lucene and Solr
 precommit                    Run basic checks before committing
 rat-sources                  Runs rat across all sources and tests
 remove-maven-artifacts       Removes all Lucene/Solr Maven artifacts from the local repository
 resolve                      Resolves all dependencies
 run-clover                   Runs all tests to measure coverage and generates report (pass "ANT_OPTS=-Xmx1536M" as environment)
 run-maven-build              Runs the Maven build using automatically generated POMs
 test                         Test both Lucene and Solr
 test-help                    Test runner help
 test-with-heapdumps          Runs tests with heap dumps on OOM enabled (if VM supports this)
 validate                     Validate dependencies, licenses, etc.
 validate-maven-dependencies  Validates maven dependencies, licenses, etc.
Default target: -projecthelp

I find that a lot easier to track. BTW you can also see some tasks which you can only dream of with standard Maven command line..

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