Here you go Emmanuel. The main entity of interest is WorkMongoDocument and the classes referenced in it's hierarchy. There may be an extra class or two that can be ignored. Thank you for having a look and I hope it helps.
John Hogan p.s. I read your book and enjoyed it very much. It was very helpful, and Hibernate Search worked out fabulously on a couple of projects that I had a chance to use it on. Simultaneous updates of db and search indexes is great ...
A SAMPLE MONGODB DOC TO BE HYDRATED { "_id" : "9fe8bc51-bfd7-4bf6-b981-7baa756672ba", "work" : { "_id" : "9fe8bc51-bfd7-4bf6-b981-7baa756672ba", "comments" : { "d4c75923-4c0c-4d6e-9555-97dd4be99b19" : { "_id" : "d4c75923-4c0c-4d6e-9555-97dd4be99b19", "comment" : "Auto", "createdDate" : new Date("9/21/2013 11:22:37"), "createdUser" : "dmurphy", "commentType" : "BIBLIOGRAPHIC" }
}, "matchItemValues" : { "work▪publisher▪name#8|work▪publisher▪role" : "postberg", "work▪workTitle▪title#HASCOMMONTITLE|work▪workTitle▪type" : "false", "work▪workTitle▪title#MAIN|work▪workTitle▪type" : "It's A Very Long Story", "work▪workDates▪date" : "1936", "work▪extent▪extentValue#3|work▪extent▪extentType" : "15", "work▪contributor▪contributorName" : "Tom Brady", "work▪dataSource▪sourceCode" : "9a2d4eed 8c61 41dc 8a4f 9714ea8c925d", "work▪dataSource▪sourcePrimaryKey" : "ocm50469328", "work▪idno▪idno#OCLCNUM|work▪idno▪type" : "50469328" }
, "relationships" : [], "workAttribute" : { "preserved" : false, "isNew" : false, "useSPK" : false, "jobId" : "53c8328d-d4ba-4569-89f3-4625e033fffd", "jobUnitId" : "1", "verified" : false, "fromManualMatching" : false, "clusterKeyIds" : ["3dfaddac556a6d1744b82a7d633f5d610dee4ee6", "99608dadd456d50fe6aebf95c5989e62798a5023"], "valid" : 0, "requiresVerification" : false }
, "workItemValues" : { "work▪clusterUnitId" : [ { "val" : "5285bad4-b0c0-43e3-a843-e073f015f9d6", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪contributor" : [{ "items" : { "work▪contributor▪contributorName" : [ { "val" : "Tom, Brady.", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪contributor▪contributorRoleDescr" : [ { "val" : "Author", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪contributor▪contributorRole" : [ { "val" : "1", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }], "work▪createdDatetime" : [ { "val" : "1237514950000", "type" : "TS" }
], "work▪createdUser" : [ { "val" : "dmurphy", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪dataSource" : [{ "items" : { "work▪dataSource▪sourceCode" : [ { "val" : "9a2d4eed-8c61-41dc-8a4f-9714ea8c925d", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪dataSource▪sourcePrimaryKey" : [ { "val" : "ocm50469328", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪dataSource▪sourcePriority" : [ { "val" : "123456", "type" : "LO" }
], "work▪dataSource▪sourceRecordQuality" : [ { "val" : "3", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪dataSource▪sourceRecordQualityDescr" : [ { "val" : "Less Than Full", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "type" : "GR", "val" : null }], "work▪extent" : [{ "items" : { "work▪extent▪extentType" : [ { "val" : "3", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪extent▪extentTypeDescr" : [ { "val" : "BLAH", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪extent▪extentUnit" : [ { "val" : "7", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪extent▪extentUnitDescr" : [ { "val" : "Pages", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪extent▪extentValueRaw" : [ { "val" : "15 S ;", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪extent▪extentValue" : [ { "val" : "15", "type" : "LO" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }], "work▪idno" : [{ "items" : { "work▪idno▪type" : [ { "val" : "BLAH", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪idno▪idnoRaw" : [ { "val" : "BLAH", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪idno▪idno" : [ { "val" : "123456", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪idno▪validated" : [ { "val" : "False", "type" : "BL" }
], "work▪idno▪typeDescr" : [ { "val" : "OCLC Number", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }, { "items" : { "work▪idno▪type" : [ { "val" : "HELLOWORLD", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪idno▪idnoRaw" : [ { "val" : "007", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪idno▪idno" : [ { "val" : "007a", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪idno▪validated" : [ { "val" : "False", "type" : "BL" }
], "work▪idno▪typeDescr" : [ { "val" : "MARC Control Number", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }], "work▪mediaTypeCategory" : [ { "val" : "O", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪note" : [{ "items" : { "work▪note▪type" : [ { "val" : "30007", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪note▪typeDescr" : [ { "val" : "Inserted via repository post", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }, { "items" : { "work▪note▪type" : [ { "val" : "70000", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪note▪typeDescr" : [ { "val" : "Work augmented.", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪note▪note" : [ { "val" : "Country of Publication change", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }, { "items" : { "work▪note▪type" : [ { "val" : "BLAHSOURCELIB", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪note▪typeDescr" : [ { "val" : "Source File Bibliographic", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪note▪note" : [ { "val" : "Take Note Of This.", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }], "work▪publicationCountry" : [{ "items" : { "work▪publicationCountry▪country" : [ { "val" : "XXX", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪publicationCountry▪countryDescr" : [ { "val" : "Unknown", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }], "work▪publicationType" : [ { "val" : "5", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪publicationTypeDescr" : [ { "val" : "Book", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪publisher" : [{ "items" : { "work▪publisher▪name" : [ { "val" : "Sam Adams Brewing Co", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪publisher▪placeOfPublication" : [ { "val" : "Boston", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪publisher▪role" : [ { "val" : "8", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪publisher▪roleDescr" : [ { "val" : "Publisher", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }], "work▪recordLevel" : [ { "val" : "6", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪recordLevelDescr" : [ { "val" : "Monograph", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪recordType" : [ { "val" : "4", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪typeId" : [ { "val" : "244ad6c8-ac5f-4b88-9864-437bfd8d3400", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪version" : [ { "val" : "1", "type" : "LO" }
], "work▪workDates" : [{ "items" : { "work▪workDates▪date" : [ { "val" : "19360101", "type" : "DT" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }], "work▪workLanguage" : [{ "items" : { "work▪workLanguage▪language" : [ { "val" : "GER", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪workLanguage▪languageDescr" : [ { "val" : "German", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪workLanguage▪languageRole" : [ { "val" : "10", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪workLanguage▪languageRoleDescr" : [ { "val" : "Text", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }], "work▪workTitle\n\n" : [{ "items" : { "work▪workTitle▪type" : [ { "val" : "MAIN", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪workTitle▪title" : [ { "val" : "It's A Very Long Story", "type" : "ST" }
], "work▪workTitle▪typeDescr" : [ { "val" : "Main Title", "type" : "ST" }
] }, "val" : null, "type" : "GR" }] } } }
import; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Embedded; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.persistence.Table; import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator; import org.hibernate.ogm.datastore.document.options.AssociationStorage; import org.hibernate.ogm.datastore.document.options.AssociationStorageType;
@Entity @Table(name="works") @GenericGenerator(name="mongodb_uuidgg",strategy = "uuid2") @NamedQueries( { @NamedQuery(name = "WorkMongoDocument.findById", query = "SELECT w FROM WorkMongoDocument w where = :id")}
) public class WorkMongoDocument implements Serializable {
@Id private String id;
@OneToOne @AssociationStorage(AssociationStorageType.IN_ENTITY) private Work work;
public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public Work getWork() { return work; } public void setWork(Work work) { = work; } } package; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; @Embeddable public class WorksData implements Comparable<WorksData> { private String id; private long dsPriority; private long updatedDateTime; public long getDsPriority() { return dsPriority; } public void setDsPriority(long dsPriority) { this.dsPriority = dsPriority; } public long getUpdatedDateTime() { return updatedDateTime; } public void setUpdatedDateTime(long updatedDateTime) { this.updatedDateTime = updatedDateTime; } public String getId() { return id; }
public void setId(String id) { = id; } @Override public int compareTo(WorksData o) { return this.dsPriority == o.getDsPriority() ? this.updatedDateTime == o.getUpdatedDateTime() ? : (int) Math.signum(this.updatedDateTime - o.getUpdatedDateTime()) : (int) Math.signum(o.getDsPriority() - this.dsPriority); } } package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; @Embeddable public class WorkItem implements Serializable { private String val; private String type = "UNKNOWN"; @ElementCollection private Map<String, List<WorkItem>> items; public WorkItem() { } WorkItem(String type, String value) { this.type=type; this.val=value; } public String getVal() { return val; } public void setVal(String val) { this.val = val; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } } package; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; @Embeddable public class WorkAttribute implements Serializable { private Boolean preserved; private Boolean isNew; private Boolean useSPK; private String editedWorkId; private String cloningWorkId; private String forceNoMatchedWorkId; private String jobId; private String jobUnitId; private Boolean verified; private Boolean fromManualMatching; @ElementCollection private Set<String> clusterKeyIds; private int valid; @ElementCollection private Set<String> jobIds; @ElementCollection private Set<String> jobUnitIds; private String threshold; private String workStatus; private String wrWrkInst; private Boolean requiresVerification; public boolean isPreserved() { return preserved; } public void setPreserved(Boolean preserved) { this.preserved = preserved; } public boolean isUseSPK() { return useSPK; } public void setUseSPK(Boolean useSPK) { this.useSPK = useSPK; } public String getEditedWorkId() { return editedWorkId; } public void setEditedWorkId(String editedWorkId) { this.editedWorkId = editedWorkId; } public String getCloningWorkId() { return cloningWorkId; } public void setCloningWorkId(String cloningWorkId) { this.cloningWorkId = cloningWorkId; } public Boolean isForceNoMatched() { return forceNoMatchedWorkId!=null && !forceNoMatchedWorkId.isEmpty(); } public String getForceNoMatchedWorkId() { return forceNoMatchedWorkId; } public void setForceNoMatchedWorkId(String forceNoMatchedWorkId) { this.forceNoMatchedWorkId = forceNoMatchedWorkId; } public Boolean isNew() { return isNew; } public void setNew(Boolean iNew) { this.isNew = iNew; } public String getJobId() { return jobId; } public void setJobId(String jobId) { this.jobId = jobId; } public String getThreshold() { return threshold; } public void setThreshold(String threshold) { this.threshold = threshold; } public String getWrWrkInst() { return wrWrkInst; } public void setWrWrkInst(String wrWrkInst) { this.wrWrkInst = wrWrkInst; } public String getJobUnitId() { return jobUnitId; } public void setJobUnitId(String jobUnitId) { this.jobUnitId = jobUnitId; } public Boolean isVerified() { return verified; } public void setVerified(Boolean verified) { this.verified = verified; } public Boolean isFromManualMatching() { return fromManualMatching; } public void setFromManualMatching(Boolean fromManualMatching) { this.fromManualMatching = fromManualMatching; } public Set<String> getClusterKeyIds() { return clusterKeyIds; } public void setClusterKeyIds(Set<String> clusterKeyIds) { this.clusterKeyIds = clusterKeyIds; } public Boolean isRequiresVerification() { return requiresVerification; } public void setRequiresVerification(Boolean requiresVerification) { this.requiresVerification = requiresVerification; } public int getValid() { return valid; } public void setValid(int valid) { this.valid = valid; } public Set<String> getJobIds() { return jobIds; } public Set<String> getJobUnitIds() { return jobUnitIds; } public String getWorkStatus() { return workStatus; } public void setWorkStatus(String workStatus) { this.workStatus = workStatus; } } package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; import javax.persistence.Embedded; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.MapKey; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator; import org.hibernate.ogm.datastore.document.options.AssociationStorage; import org.hibernate.ogm.datastore.document.options.AssociationStorageType; @Entity @GenericGenerator(name="mongodb_uuidgg",strategy = "uuid2") @AssociationStorage(AssociationStorageType.IN_ENTITY) public class Work implements Serializable { @Id @Column(name = "_id") private String id; @ElementCollection @AssociationStorage(AssociationStorageType.IN_ENTITY) private Map<String, List<WorkItem>> transformationItems; @ElementCollection @AssociationStorage(AssociationStorageType.IN_ENTITY) private Map<String, List<WorkItem>> workItemValues; @ElementCollection @AssociationStorage(AssociationStorageType.IN_ENTITY) private Map<String, String> matchItemValues; @Embedded private WorkAttribute workAttribute; @Embedded private List<WorkItem> relationships; @ElementCollection @AssociationStorage(AssociationStorageType.IN_ENTITY) private Map<String, Comment> comments; public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; }
public Map<String, List<WorkItem>> getTransformationItems() { return transformationItems; }
public WorkAttribute getWorkAttribute() { return workAttribute; }
public void setWorkAttribute(WorkAttribute workAttribute) { this.workAttribute = workAttribute; }
public Map<String, Comment> getComments() { return comments; }
public void setComments(Map<String, Comment> comments) { this.comments = comments; }
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set;
public class TypeData { private String value; private String preferableWorkId;
private Set<WorksData> worksDataSet = new HashSet(); private String scope;
public String getValue() { return value; }
public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; }
public String getPreferableWorkId() { return preferableWorkId; }
public void setPreferableWorkId(String preferableWorkId) { this.preferableWorkId = preferableWorkId; }
public Set<WorksData> getWorksDataSet() { return worksDataSet; }
public void setWorksDataSet(Set<WorksData> worksDataSet) { this.worksDataSet = worksDataSet; }
public void setScope(String scope) { this.scope = scope; }
public String getScope() { return scope; }
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
@Embeddable public class IdnoItem {
private String type; private Set<TypeData> typeDataSet = new HashSet<>();
public String getType() { return type; }
public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; }
public Set<TypeData> getTypeDataSet() { return typeDataSet; }
public void setTypeDataSet(Set<TypeData> typeDataSet) { this.typeDataSet = typeDataSet; }
public enum CommentSource {
SAMPLE_1("1", "books"), SAMPLE_2("2", "cameras"), SAMPLE_3("3", "tents"), SAMPLE_4("4", "junk"), SAMPLE_5("5", "hats"), SAMPLE_6("6", "mittens"), SAMPLE_7("7", "gloves"), SAMPLE_8("8", "A new car"), SAMPLE_9("9", "shoes"), SAMPLE_10("10", "tooth brushes"), SAMPLE_11("11", "tooth paste"), SAMPLE_12("12", "soap"), SAMPLE_13("13", "SAMPLE_1 (OCLC)"), SAMPLE_14("14", "OTHER (Please Specify)");
private String commentSourceId; private String commentSourceName;
private CommentSource(String commentSourceId, String commentSourceName) { this.commentSourceId = commentSourceId; this.commentSourceName = commentSourceName; }
public String getCommentSourceId() { return commentSourceId; }
public String getCommentSourceName() { return commentSourceName; }
import java.util.Date; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; import org.hibernate.ogm.datastore.document.options.AssociationStorage; import org.hibernate.ogm.datastore.document.options.AssociationStorageType;
@Embeddable @Entity @GenericGenerator(name="mongodb_uuidgg",strategy = "uuid2") @AssociationStorage(AssociationStorageType.IN_ENTITY) public class Comment {
@Id @Column(name = "_id") private String id; private String comment; private Date createdDate; private String createdUser; private String commentType; private CommentSource commentSource;
public Comment() { }
public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getComment() { return comment; } public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } public Date getCreatedDate() { return createdDate; } public void setCreatedDate(Date createdDate) { this.createdDate = createdDate; } public String getCreatedUser() { return createdUser; } public void setCreatedUser(String createdUser) { this.createdUser = createdUser; } public String getCommentType() { return commentType; } public void setCommentType(String commentType) { this.commentType = commentType; } public CommentSource getCommentSource() { return commentSource; } public void setCommentSource(CommentSource commentSource) { this.commentSource = commentSource; } } package; import javax.persistence.Cacheable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; @Entity @Cacheable(false) public class ClusterUnitMongoDocument { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Type(type = "objectid") private String id; private ClusterUnit clusterUnit; public ClusterUnit getClusterUnit() { return clusterUnit; } public void setClusterUnit(ClusterUnit clusterUnit) { this.clusterUnit = clusterUnit; } } package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; @Entity public class ClusterUnit { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Type(type = "objectid") private String id; private String clusterUnitId; @ElementCollection private Map<String, ArchiveWork> worksHistory = new LinkedHashMap(); @ElementCollection private Set<String> clusterUnitIdsForDelete = new LinkedHashSet(); private boolean active; private Date createdDatetime; private Date updatedDatetime; private String representativeWorkId; @ElementCollection private Set<String> archiveWorkIdsForDelete = new LinkedHashSet(); @ElementCollection private List<WorkItem> relationships = new ArrayList(); @ElementCollection private Set<String> sourcePrimaryKeys = new LinkedHashSet(); @ElementCollection private Set<String> jobIds = new HashSet<>(); @ElementCollection private Set<String> jobUnitIds = new HashSet<>(); @ElementCollection private List<IdnoItem> idnoItems = new ArrayList<>(); public String getId() { return id; }
public void setId(String id) { = id; }
public String getClusterUnitId() { return clusterUnitId; }
public void setClusterUnitId(String clusterUnitId) { this.clusterUnitId = clusterUnitId; }
public Map<String, ArchiveWork> getWorksHistory() { return worksHistory; }
public void setWorksHistory(Map<String, ArchiveWork> worksHistory) { this.worksHistory = worksHistory; }
public Set<String> getClusterUnitIdsForDelete() { return clusterUnitIdsForDelete; }
public void setClusterUnitIdsForDelete(Set<String> clusterUnitIdsForDelete) { this.clusterUnitIdsForDelete = clusterUnitIdsForDelete; }
public boolean isActive() { return active; }
public void setActive(boolean active) { = active; }
public Date getCreatedDatetime() { return createdDatetime; }
public void setCreatedDatetime(Date createdDatetime) { this.createdDatetime = createdDatetime; }
public Date getUpdatedDatetime() { return updatedDatetime; }
public void setUpdatedDatetime(Date updatedDatetime) { this.updatedDatetime = updatedDatetime; }
public String getRepresentativeWorkId() { return representativeWorkId; }
public void setRepresentativeWorkId(String representativeWorkId) { this.representativeWorkId = representativeWorkId; }
public List<WorkItem> getRelationships() { return relationships; }
public void setRelationships(List<WorkItem> relationships) { this.relationships = relationships; }
public Set<String> getArchiveWorkIdsForDelete() { return archiveWorkIdsForDelete; }
public void setArchiveWorkIdsForDelete(Set<String> archiveWorkIdsForDelete) { this.archiveWorkIdsForDelete = archiveWorkIdsForDelete; }
public void addRelationship(WorkItem relationship) { if (relationship != null) { relationships.add(relationship); }
public Set<String> getSourcePrimaryKeys() { return sourcePrimaryKeys; }
public void setSourcePrimaryKeys(Set<String> sourcePrimaryKeys) { this.sourcePrimaryKeys = sourcePrimaryKeys; }
public Set<String> getJobIds() { return jobIds; }
public void setJobIds(Set<String> jobIds) { this.jobIds = jobIds; }
public Set<String> getJobUnitIds() { return jobUnitIds; }
public void setJobUnitIds(Set<String> jobUnitIds) { this.jobUnitIds = jobUnitIds; }
public List<IdnoItem> getIdnoItems() { return idnoItems; }
public void setIdnoItems(List<IdnoItem> idnoItems) { this.idnoItems = idnoItems; }
import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
@Embeddable public class ArchiveWork {
private String absorbedClusterUnitId; private boolean representative;
public String getAbsorbedClusterUnitId() { return absorbedClusterUnitId; }
public void setAbsorbedClusterUnitId(String absorbedClusterUnitId) { this.absorbedClusterUnitId = absorbedClusterUnitId; }
public boolean isRepresentative() { return representative; }
public void setRepresentative(boolean representative) { this.representative = representative; }