Hibernate-core depends on two different versions of jboss-logging:
+-com.sopovs.moradanen:hibernate-dep-convergence:1.0-SNAPSHOT +-org.hibernate:hibernate-core:4.1.5.SP1 +-org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging:3.1.0.GA
+-com.sopovs.moradanen:hibernate-dep-convergence:1.0-SNAPSHOT +-org.hibernate:hibernate-core:4.1.5.SP1 +-org.hibernate.common:hibernate-commons-annotations:4.0.1.Final +-org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging:3.1.0.CR2
Can you please add check for convergence of dependencies to your build process?
Workaround: Exclude jboss-logging from the dependencies of hibernate and depend on it manually. Also do not forget to update this workaround when bumping version of hibernate.
Test case (maven pom.xml with pom-packaging - simply "mvn clean compile" in the folder with it) is in the attachment.