Because that’s apparently a best-practice to separate tutorials from reference documentation, to avoid overwhelming readers with a massive reference when they’re only after a short introduction. Todo:
- Split the documentation
- Move the asciidoc for “ Getting started with the Hibernate ORM integration” and “Getting started with the Standalone POJO Mapper” to separate directories/files in the source (we need two separate guides).
- Adapt pom.xml to actually generate those documents
- Adapt the distribution module to copy those documents (if it doesn’t already work; it may be copying all generated documentation already)
- Keep a (very short) “Getting started” section in the reference documentation, which will basically be the first two paragraphs we currently have, adapted to just point to the two getting started guides.
- Make sure all the anchors we had in there will point to that “Getting started” section.
- Convert links from the reference to the getting started guides (and vice-versa) to cross-references using xref.
- Check the result
- Check that the new documents (both HTML and PDF) are correctly included in the distribution ZIP.
- Check that links from the reference to the getting started guides (and vice-versa) work correctly:
- In the distrubiton ZIP (at least the HTML version; the PDF probably won’t work).
- After being deployed to (not sure how we can check that; we don’t want to erase existing documentation during our tests…)
- Remind Yoann to adapt the website to point to those docs when we next release Hibernate Search