Initially this was reported in relation to {{Query#scroll}} was . But a number of methods on Query were unintentionally deprecated in a completely unintended way 5 . It should not have been 2 . So make it un- What happened is that 5.2 deprecated {{org .
Use this hibernate.Query}} in favor of {{org.hibernate.query.Query}}. We used our "shadow" technique as a Jira we often do for fixing a short-term bridge when moving contracts to a new package and deprecating the old. But we missed overriding some of those methods on the new contract to "hide" the deprecations from the old contract.
If we find any others prior to 5.2.8, use this Jira to fix those as well as we find them .
BTW people have also brought up {{Query#iterate}]. While that was also deprecated in the same work where {{Query#scroll}} was deprecated (an was also unintended at the time) I actually plan on removing {{Query#iterate}] (see dev list discussion) so I will not be un-deprecating that one. |