Remaining todos:
should we support favorPerFieldSimilarity (see discussion on mailing list and PR related to DisMax)
genericize the DSL to receive the entity type for a typesafe .toEntity(...)
improve FieldCustomization interface to split FieldBridge from Analyzer options as fieldbridge are ignored by MLT
should we support toContent(Reader) and toContent(String): I did not find a use case
does the TypeMetadata return the embedded properties (question asked to Hardy Ferentschik during IRC meeting)
should we add additional stop word input. I feel it could be useful but need to refine the use case
what to do about min/maxTermFreq min/maxWordLen maxTokenParsed maxQueryTerms? Should we expose them?
support numbers with exact match
support compressed data
beef up test suite with complex entities with associations, number fields, custom fieldbridges, class bridges etc