When generating table alias names, if the column in a @Where clause starts with an underscore, then the alias for the table is omitted from the query.
@Table(name = "header")
public class Header {
private Integer id;
@JoinColumn(name="header_id", referencedColumnName="id")
@Where(clause="column2 = '13' and _column1 = '13'")
private Set<Line> lines;
@Table(name = "line")
public class Line {
private Integer id;
private Integer header_id;
private String _column1;
private String column2;
EntityManager em = managerFactory.createEntityManager();
em.find(Header.class, 1);
Generated query: Hibernate: select header0_.id as id1_0_0_, lines1_.header_id as header_i4_1_1_, lines1_.id as id1_1_1_, lines1_.id as id1_1_2_, lines1_.column1 as _column2_1_2, lines1_.column2 as column3_1_2_, lines1_.header_id as header_i4_1_2_ from header header0_ left outer join line lines1_ on header0_.id=lines1_.header_id and ( lines1_.column2 = '13' and _column1 = '13' ) where header0_.id=? Column column1 is missing the lines1 alias. Where this is really a problem is when you have a relationship like the following:
@Table(name = "header")
public class Header {
private Integer id;
@JoinColumn(name="header_id", referencedColumnName="id")
@Where(clause="_column1 = '14'")
private Set<Line> lines;
@JoinColumn(name="header_id", referencedColumnName="id")
@Where(clause="_column1 = '13'")
private Set<OtherLine> otherLines;
@Table(name = "line")
public class Line {
private Integer id;
private Integer header_id;
private String _column1;
private String column2;
@Table(name = "otherline")
public class OtherLine {
private Integer id;
private Integer header_id;
private String _column1;
private String column2;
Generated query: Hibernate: select header0_.id as id1_0_0_, lines1_.header_id as header_i4_1_1_, lines1_.id as id1_1_1_, lines1_.id as id1_1_2_, lines1_.column1 as _column2_1_2, lines1_.column2 as column3_1_2_, lines1_.header_id as header_i4_1_2_, otherlines2_.header_id as header_i4_2_3_, otherlines2_.id as id1_2_3_, otherlines2_.id as id1_2_4_, otherlines2_.column1 as _column2_2_4, otherlines2_.column2 as column3_2_4_, otherlines2_.header_id as header_i4_2_4_ from header header0_ left outer join line lines1_ on header0_.id=lines1_.header_id and ( _column1 = '14' ) left outer join otherline otherlines2_ on header0_.id=otherlines2_.header_id and ( _column1 = '13' ) where header0_.id=? Both _column1 are missing their alias and cause the following exception: SQL error or missing database (ambiguous column name: _column1) Most people don't use underscore's in their table names. I am working with a database where ALL primary keys to the tables start with underscore and I have to jump through modeling hoops in order to get these to work. Please see the github repository dedicated to this issue with multiple examples: https://github.com/oblodgett/HibernateHelloWorld This issue might be linked to
HHH-2022 Closed , and
HHH-3727 Closed but seems to be a distinct issue on its own. |