I believe this is caused by
HHH-8088 Closed . Prior to that change, org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.InputStreamZippedJarVisitor#doProcessElements closed the sub-JarInputStream objects as well as the enclosing JarInputStream. It appears that the change for
HHH-8088 Closed left out the code for closing the sub-JarInputStream objects. In master, the relevant code is at: org.hibernate.boot.archive.internal.JarFileBasedArchiveDescriptor#visitArchive at .https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/blob/master/hibernate-core/src/main/java/org/hibernate/boot/archive/internal/JarFileBasedArchiveDescriptor.java#L75 jarInputStream should be closed. I'm not familiar enough with this code to know if this is the only thing that needs to be closed though. |