HHH-10844 Closed should be fixed with version 5.4.11, but now a column definition like @Column(name = "text", columnDefinition = "mediumtext") private String text; or @Column(name = "foo", columnDefinition = "char(40)") private String foo; no longer works with envers. It will result in the following log messages > Column [text] uses a column-definition of [mediumtext], resolved sql-type as [varchar(255)]. > Column [foo] uses a column-definition of [char(40)], resolved sql-type as [varchar(255)]. and exceptions like this: > Schema-validation: wrong column type encountered in column [foo] in table [bar]; found char (Types#CHAR), but expecting varchar(255) (Types#VARCHAR) I think this behaviour was added by this commit: https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/commit/38f01311602f115ccec23f9ee8faf4b2d69d636d |