The [||smart-link] change addressed Hibernate ORM Envers test failures when run under a Java Security Manager but two of the tests not addressed by that change can be seen when running with Hibernate ORM 6.1.3
To recreate:
h1. Steps to use Scott's branch to reproduce wildfly test failure
git clone [||smart-link] cd wildfly git checkout WFLY-16713_Hibernate_ORM6.1.3 ./ clean install -DskipTests=true pushd wildfly/testsuite/integration/basic mvn clean test -Dtest=SessionFactoryTestCase -Dsecurity.manager mvn clean test -Dtest=EntityTestCase -Dsecurity.manager popd
h1. Recreate the failure with a debugger
h1. start wildfly with remote debug enabled
pushd dist/target/wildfly-27.0.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT/bin vim standalone.conf
h1. find line with #JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n"
h1. save your changes to standalone.conf
h1. run WildFly with security manager enabled
./ -secmgr & popd pushd wildfly/testsuite/integration/basic h1. see above step for running themvn clean test -Dtest= EntityTestCase or SessionFactoryTestCase -Dsecurity.manager popd |