When trying to use a CompositeCustomType around a java.util.Date with Hibernate 4.3.0.Beta3 (lower 4.x versions seem to be affected as well), the following Criteria query fails (trace attached):
CriteriaQuery<Payment> criteria = em.getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery( Payment.class );
Root<Payment> rp = criteria.from( Payment.class );
Predicate predicate = em.getCriteriaBuilder().equal( rp.get( Payment_.date ), new Date() );
criteria.where( predicate );
TypedQuery<Payment> q = em.createQuery( criteria );
List<Payment> payments = q.getResultList();
There is a workaround by substituting the "new Date()" from
equal( rp.get( Payment_.date ), new Date() )
with a ParameterExpression such as :
ParameterExpression<Date> dateParam = cb.parameter(Date.class, "date");
The problem seems to be linked with the extractParameterInfo method from org.hibernate.jpa.internal.QueryImpl and specifically the mightNeedRedefinition method which resets the NamedParameterDescriptor's expected type for date objects :
private boolean mightNeedRedefinition(Class javaType)
// for now, only really no for dates/times/timestamps
return java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom( javaType );
You can reproduce this issue by executing the testDateCompositeCustomType attached.
I've developed a fix that I'll submit on github.