Hello I have some problem to rename the audit join table.
In Oracle DataBase i have a join table Type_Plus_Value_Type_Equipmen. Its the maximal length for a table name. Envers create by default as audit table name Table_Aud. This the name is too long so we create the audit table by hand. But in the application, i try to tell to envers the good name with this annotation @AuditJoinTable(name = "TYPE_PLUS_VALUE_EQUIPEMENT_AUD") This is the good audit table name.
I put this annotation in the too class first one :
@Audit public class TypeEquipement { @AuditJoinTable(name = "TYPE_PLUS_VALUE_EQUIPEMENT_AUD") private set<TypePlusValue> typePlusValues }
the second class : @Audit public class TypePlusValues { @AuditJoinTable(name = "TYPE_PLUS_VALUE_EQUIPEMENT_AUD") private set<TypeEquipement> typeEquipements }