I’m using Jboss-4.0.5-GA in the ejb3 configuration.
I’m trying to implement the following entities and relationships, without
Entity: Security
Entity: Trade
Entity: Allocation extends Trade
Security->Trade is one-to-many with Trade as the
relationship owner
Trade->Security is many-to-one
Security->Allocation is one-to-one with Allocation as the
relationship owner
Allocation->Security is one-to-one
The basic idea is that while a Security may have a
collection of Trades associated with it, at most one can be an Allocation.
And if a Security has an associated Allocation, then that Allocation must
appear in the Trades collection of the Security as well.
I’ve tried this approach:
@Entity public class Security {
public Collection<Trade> getTrades() {…}
public Allocation getAllocation() {…}
@Entity public abstract class Trade {
public Security getSecurity() {…}
@Entity public class Allocation extends Trade {…}
When I try to update (merge) an Allocation, the query and error
I get from Hibernate look like this:
[org.hibernate.SQL] select allocation0_.id as id9_10_, etc.,
… where allocation0_.security_id=? and allocation0_.DTYPE='alloc'
[org.hibernate.type.LongType] could not bind value '1st Lien
Term Loan' to parameter: 1; com.xyz.entity.Security
In the error message, ‘1st Lien Term Loan’ is
the toString() value of the associated Security, not it’s long getId()
value, as I would have expected.
I have also tried giving the one-to-one a different name on
the owner side:
@Entity public class Security {
public Collection<Trade> getTrades() {…}
public Allocation getAllocation() {…}
@Entity public abstract class Trade {
public Security getSecurity() {…}
@Entity public class Allocation extends Trade {
public Security getIssue() {
But the result is the same.
Does anyone know what the problem is here, or am I using the
wrong approach? Any pointers would be much appreciated.