Forgot to point out, here is where Sync logs the exception:

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 10:05 AM Galder Zamarreno <> wrote:
Hey Radim,

We've had some chats in the past where we discussed the behaviour of non-tx 2LC and partial updates. I've wrote a couple of tests [1] to see how things behave: 

For a repl read-write, entity cache, if the failure happens on the async FutureUpdate call, that's fine because the Tombstone has already been sent and the cache won't return anything.

If the failure happens when the Tombstone is sent, we seem to have a problem because it results in stale data in the node that failed to apply the Tombstone. The FutureUpdate that comes after the Tombstone cannot apply because it doesn't find the Tombstone.

Sync logs any errors but does not propagate them [2]. Is there any reason for not rethrowing the exception? I tried to rethrow it and the JDBC transaction rolls back, which is not too bad cos at least that way both nodes contain the last committed data.

As a side note, the CorrectnessTestCase subclasses are not running by default, we should change that.
