
Thinking some more about batching API(thanks galder!) I think its main benefit it brings is allowing users to use transactions without having to set up/download an TransactionManager.
Very similar to what Brian was describing here: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/BatchModeTransactionManager
"This is all great, but there are uses cases where it's nice to have many of these benefits without the involvement of a JTA Transaction"

I think we should allow people a similar approach, having our own BatchModeTransactionManagerLookup and BatchModeTransactionManager. 
Again, this is something to be used when users don't need distributed transactions, and don't want to get their hands dirty with setting up a TM. 

Instead of BatchModeTransactionManager we can use Britronix JTA[1] as it is a "a simple but complete implementation of the JTA 1.1 API". Drools is using that and they are happy with it. Actually what about replacing our DummyTM with this one? Less code to maintain and our tests would be run with a more-close-to-spec TM.


[1] http://docs.codehaus.org/display/BTM/Home