That only half-solves the problem: having everything in the same IDE at the same time is more preentive. 

On 19 Nov 2013, at 22:44, Manik Surtani <> wrote:

Can't this be achieved by checking out and building all relevant repos?  This could be scripted.

On 15 November 2013 04:43, Mircea Markus <> wrote:
Hi guys,

Given all the compiling problems we had since we've split in multiple github repos (server, stores and embedded) makes me think that the split wasn't such a great idea after all( and that I was hmm, wrong). Shall we move everything back into a single repo? We can still keep different CI runs for cache stores, server etc, but at least all this builds will compile everything.


Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

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