Hi all !

Radim pointed me to this thread discussing the exceptions launched by the lambda executed by the user.

So, I've came accros this problem right now with the compute method.

ComputeIfAbsent is used by the QueryCache [1]

This method is now a Command, so when the wrapped lambda throws an exception, [2], the expected exception is the one raised by the lambda. But with my modifications, this exception is wrapped in a CacheException.

I discussed with Adrien yesterday, and IMHO and his, a CacheException is not the same thing as the exception raised inside the lambda. Moreover, in this particular case, I don't know if users some code could be broken if we make the user get a CacheException that wrappes the ParseException instead of the ParseException itself. 

How can I fix the problem ? 
Should we correct the tests and say that, from now on, CacheException will be raised ?
Should we handle this CacheException in the QueryCache class when computeIfAbsent is called ?
Should we propagate the lambda's exception as it is ?


[1] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/blob/master/query/src/main/java/org/infinispan/query/dsl/embedded/impl/QueryCache.java#L79
[2] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/blob/master/query/src/test/java/org/infinispan/query/dsl/embedded/QueryDslConditionsTest.java#L1913