That would make *a lot* of sense :)



On 6/19/13 1:44 PM, William Burns wrote:
All the L1 data for a DIST cache is stored in the same data container as the actual distributed data itself.  I wanted to propose breaking this out so there is a separate data container for the L1 cache as compared to the distributed data.

I thought of a few quick benefits/drawbacks:

1. L1 cache can be separately tuned - L1 maxEntries for example
2. L1 values will not cause eviction of real data
3. Would make an easy fix
4. Could add a new DataContainer implementation specific to L1 with additional optimizations
5. Help with some concurrency issues with L1 without requiring wider locking (such as locking a key for an entire ClusteredGet rpc call) -

1. Would require, depending on configuration, an additional thread for eviction
2. Users upgrading could have double memory used up due to 2 data containers

1. Additional configuration available
   a. Add maxEntires just like the normal data container (use data container size if not configured?)
   b. Eviction wakeup timer?  We could just reuse the task cleanup frequency?
   c. Eviction strategy?  I would think the default data container's would be sufficient.

I was wondering what you guys thought.


 - Will

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