I am currently using Hibernate Search 3.1.1 GA

Well there's your issue. There was a change between 3.1.0 and 3.1.1. So that's why we've switched the Infinispan dependency back to 3.1.0. 

A fix has been made in HS trunk, and that works fine. On the Infinispan side, at least we're just waiting on the next release of Hibernate Search so we can update our dependencies. 

Cool... Thanks for bringing this to our notice. Now the issue is solved, I can search through the elements using CacheQuery.getBasicQuery()

One last thing,
Since I am a novice to this Hibernate & Hibernate Search,
Is there any reference documentation to build my knowledge for QueryingInfinispan apart from that wiki page.


Where should I start my learning to implement querying feature using Infinispan with the help of technical preview provided in that wiki page.

Any pointers please.