Looking at your profiler snapshot, these locks are in the Hibernate 2nd level cache implementation for Infinispan.  Galder, any ideas?

- M

On 18 Sep 2012, at 13:43, Ståle W. Pedersen <spederse@redhat.com> wrote:

hi galder and manik, sorry for sending this mail to so many, but we've ran into a issue that prevents us from further scaling of the specjenterprise2010 benchmark.

so when doing specjenterprise2010 benchmark testing we've seen a lot of blocks caused by the entity/query cache. we've been testing with only caching a simple entity bean that's read-only and queries related to this entity (selects).

here is a screenshot of the hotspot found: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/30971563/specjent_block.png

here is the standalone.xml: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/30971563/standalone-full.xml

here is the orm.xml: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/30971563/order_orm.xml

what we don't understand is why there are so many puts into the cache for an object that is marked as read-only. when we're testing without caching we do not see any blocks.

any help/ideas would be great. if anyone want a jprofiler snapshot of the run, let me know.

regards, ståle
JBoss Performance Team Lead
JBoss by Red Hat

Manik Surtani

Platform Architect, JBoss Data Grid