
While presenting the hot rod client java API in Brno, we agreed to use a RemoteCacheManager that would implement CacheManager (similar to the way in which DefaultCacheManager implements CacheManager; it is used for clients from the same namespace).
Looking at the CacheManager interface[1], most of the methods that do not make sense on the RemoteCacheManager: defineConfiguration, getClusterName, getAddress, isCoordinator, getStatus, getGlobalConfiguration, getDefaultConfiguration and getCacheNames.
The only two methods that really make sense are: getCache() and getCache(cacheName:String). So here are some thoughts I have about having RemoteCacheManager implementing CacheManager.
1. Approach 1 - throw exceptions for the unsupported methods. Not a very nice approach IMO, given the fact that most of the methods fall in this category, which would make the API a bit unusable
2.  Approach 2 - do not extend it. This would result in a clearer API
3. Approach 2 - Extract the  two getCache methods in an super interface (CacheHolder, CacheRepository, ??) and have both CacheManager and RemoteCacheManager implement it - this one I like the most as it encourages reusability and keeps the API clean.



[1] http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/infinispan/trunk/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/manager/CacheManager.java