On 21 Sep 2012, at 19:40, Manik Surtani wrote:


The planned date for Beta1 is 28th of Sept. 
Beta would mean a feature and API freeze - if you think something's critical and won't meet the deadline please let me know.

Following JIRAs must make it in (otherwise we'll hold the release) [1]:

ISPN-2332 - Update xsite configuration file (Mircea, config/api change)
ISPN-2319 - Add ability to take a site offline into x-site implementation (Mircea, required for the xsite functionality)
ISPN-2316 - Distributed deadlock in StateTransferInterceptor (Dan, critical so that QA can progress with testing)
ISPN-1407 - Make sure the server_list attribute of the Hot Rod Client can be updated dynamically (Galder, required by rolling upgrades functionality) 

This is a nice-to-have.  I don't think this is critical.  I think it is fair enough to ask people to reconfigure and restart their clients.

Can't we rather enhance HR so that the shutting down servers would piggyback the "restart" information to the clients? When a client receives a restart response (similar to a topology change response),  it restarts itself without requiring any manual work. How does it sound?

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (www.infinispan.org)