On 21 Jan 2011, at 17:15, Mircea Markus wrote:

On 21 Jan 2011, at 16:34, Galder Zamarreņo wrote:


Re: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-845

This is causing issues with use cases such as the Hibernate 2LC. Imagine this scenario:


At commit time, 3 prepares are generated of which, the 1st prepare is marked as readonly (no mods made on cache1), so that prepare is committed in advance.

Now, when tx.commit() is called it fails cos the first tx for cache1 has already been committed.
I guess this is because the XAResource doesn't find the tx in the transaction table. I guess the way to go is to delist it after committing, let me ping Jonathan to see :)
        if (trace) log.trace("no tx found for {0}", xid);
        throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_NOTA);

What TM are you using?
I've just confirmed with Jonathan - according to XA spec, the TM should NOT call commit on a resource that has answered Readonly from the prepare.