
This locking appears to be in the 2LC integration code to guard a local collection though - there must be better, non-blocking ways to guard this - if it is needed at all for RO entities.  

- M

On 18 Sep 2012, at 15:18, Andrig Miller <> wrote:

What I find interesting, is that in this use case, READ_ONLY concurrency strategy and a local cache (no invalidation and no replication), there is no need to do any locking.

If we can get to a solution without any locking that would be ideal.


From: "Manik Surtani" <>
To: "Ståle W. Pedersen" <>
Cc: "Galder Zamarreño" <>, "John O'Hara" <>, "Jeremy Whiting" <>, "Andrig Miller" <>, "Steve Ebersole" <>, "infinispan-dev" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:13:43 AM
Subject: Re: Issue with cache blocks for local read-only cache

Looking at your profiler snapshot, these locks are in the Hibernate 2nd level cache implementation for Infinispan.  Galder, any ideas?

- M

On 18 Sep 2012, at 13:43, Ståle W. Pedersen <> wrote:

hi galder and manik, sorry for sending this mail to so many, but we've ran into a issue that prevents us from further scaling of the specjenterprise2010 benchmark.

so when doing specjenterprise2010 benchmark testing we've seen a lot of blocks caused by the entity/query cache. we've been testing with only caching a simple entity bean that's read-only and queries related to this entity (selects).

here is a screenshot of the hotspot found:

here is the standalone.xml:

here is the orm.xml:

what we don't understand is why there are so many puts into the cache for an object that is marked as read-only. when we're testing without caching we do not see any blocks.

any help/ideas would be great. if anyone want a jprofiler snapshot of the run, let me know.

regards, ståle
JBoss Performance Team Lead
JBoss by Red Hat

Manik Surtani

Platform Architect, JBoss Data Grid

Manik Surtani

Platform Architect, JBoss Data Grid