I have an annotation for the fields used in generating a key’s hash code (used for complex keys and collocation of data).




From: infinispan-dev-bounces@lists.jboss.org [mailto:infinispan-dev-bounces@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Manik Surtani
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 6:56 AM
To: infinispan -Dev List
Subject: [infinispan-dev] Annotations


In some ways related to the @Marshallable annotation thread, but in many ways not, I was having a look at:




I think we need to do something in this space, to make life easier for developers to consume distributed caches.  As such, what I'm thinking of is:


* Spring annotations for Infinispan - Olaf, will we get this for free with your work on the Spring cache adapter for Infinispan?  If so, we should talk about this (blog, wiki, etc)

* SEAM annotations.  Pete did a POC some while back, maybe we need to formalise this?


Other thoughts?





Manik Surtani




Lead, Infinispan





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