Unfortunately I won't be able to attend today's status meeting, so here are tasks I was looking at last week:
- I released KUBE_PING 9.3 and merged some downstream fixes into it.
- I release Spring Boot Starters 1.0.0.Final and added some more documentation
- I added Infinispan Spring Boot Starters to Spring Initializr (https://start.spring.io/)
- PR: https://github.com/spring-io/initializr/pull/434
- Unfortunately it was rejected (see comments in PR). The main argument against it is that Spring Boot Developers are not in favor of adding another caching library. I'm trying to convince them that it will be beneficial to do so. Please chime into the discussion if you wish.
- I worked on accessing Infinispan cluster hosted in Kubernetes from the outside world. I have very good results in:
- I created OpenShift templates for bootstrapping Infinispan: https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan-openshift-templates
- I also participated in lots and lots of discussion around Infinispan and Kubernetes.
This week I plan:
- Finish exposing cluster hosted in Kube to the outside world and publish benchmark results.
- Look briefly at Istio (sidecar approach)
- Start looking at ALPN and HTTP/2 support