Can you try adding a ClusterCacheLoader to see if that helps?


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 8:49 AM, James Aley <> wrote:
Apologies - forgot to copy list.

On 15 March 2013 15:48, James Aley <> wrote:
> Hey Adrian,
> Thanks for the response. I was chatting to Sanne on IRC yesterday, and
> he suggested this to me. Actually the logging I attached was from a
> cluster of 4 servers with numOwners=2. Sorry, I should have mentioned
> this actually, but I thought seeing as it didn't appear to make any
> difference that I'd just keep things simple in my previous email.
> While it seemed not to make a difference in this case... I can see why
> that would make sense. In future tests I guess I should probably stick
> with numOwners > 1.
> James.
> On 15 March 2013 15:44, Adrian Nistor <> wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> I'm not an expert on InfinispanDirectory but I've noticed in [1] that the
>> lucene-index cache is distributed with numOwners = 1. That means each cache
>> entry is owned by just one cluster node and there's nowhere else to go in
>> the cluster if the key is not available in local memory, thus it needs
>> fetching from the cache store. This can be solved with numOwners > 1.
>> Please let me know if this solves your problem.
>> Cheers!
>> On 03/15/2013 05:03 PM, James Aley wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> <OT>
>>> Seeing as this is my first post, I wanted to just quickly thank you
>>> all for Infinispan. So far I'm really enjoying working with it - great
>>> product!
>>> </OT>
>>> I'm using the InfinispanDirectory for a Lucene project at the moment.
>>> We use Lucene directly to build a search product, which has high read
>>> requirements and likely very large indexes. I'm hoping to make use of
>>> a distribution mode cache to keep the whole index in memory across a
>>> cluster of machines (the index will be too big for one server).
>>> The problem I'm having is that after loading a filesystem-based Lucene
>>> directory into InfinispanDirectory via LuceneCacheLoader, no nodes are
>>> retrieving data from the cluster - they instead look up keys in their
>>> local CacheLoaders, which involves lots of disk I/O and is very slow.
>>> I was hoping to just use the CacheLoader to initialize the caches, but
>>> from there on read only from RAM (and network, of course). Is this
>>> supported? Maybe I've misunderstood the purpose of the CacheLoader?
>>> To explain my observations in a little more detail:
>>> * I start a cluster of two servers, using [1] as the cache config.
>>> Both have a local copy of the Lucene index that will be loaded into
>>> the InfinispanDirectory via the loader. This is a test configuration,
>>> where I've set numOwners=1 so that I only need two servers for
>>> distribution to happen.
>>> * Upon startup, things look good. I see the memory usage of the JVM
>>> reflect a pretty near 50/50 split of the data across both servers.
>>> Logging indicates both servers are in the cluster view, all seems
>>> fine.
>>> * When I send a search query to either one of the nodes, I notice the
>>> following:
>>>    - iotop shows huge (~100MB/s) disk I/O on that node alone from the
>>> JVM process.
>>>    - no change in network activity between nodes (~300b/s, same as when
>>> idle)
>>>    - memory usage on the node running the query increases dramatically,
>>> and stays higher even after the query is finished.
>>> So it seemed to me like each node was favouring use of the CacheLoader
>>> to retrieve keys that are not in memory, instead of using the cluster.
>>> Does that seem reasonable? Is this the expected behaviour?
>>> I started to investigate this by turning on trace logging, in this
>>> made me think perhaps the cause was that the CacheLoader's interceptor
>>> is higher priority in the chain than the the distribution interceptor?
>>> I'm not at all familiar with the design in any level of detail - just
>>> what I picked up in the last 24 hours from browsing the code, so I
>>> could easily be way off. I've attached the log snippets I thought
>>> relevant in [2].
>>> Any advice offered much appreciated.
>>> Thanks!
>>> James.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
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