On 25 Sep 2012, at 16:41, Galder Zamarreņo <galder@redhat.com> wrote:

3. This is a solution that still requires locking. A lock-free solution, where we can capture the version when an entry is going to be deleted (via lockItem() implementation in 2LC), and we can compare it with the one from the putFromLoad() would surely be performant IMO. Btw, I've assigned https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-506 to myself in order to investigate this and move towards such a solution.

I have no issues with you looking at ISPN-506, but just keep in mind we have a much easier and less intrusive solution which will still give us a big performance improvement when using the lock() API, as detailed in this thread.

Manik Surtani

Platform Architect, JBoss Data Grid