On 31 Jan 2013, at 12:28, Michal Linhard wrote:

In this special case I'm gonna try to rewrite the test case as an 
excercise - it doesn't seem like that much extra work, and I'd rewrite 
it anyway I'm not satisfied with it's current form even if it was to stay in Java.
-1. If there's a choice it should be Java.
But this is just postponing of this important question.

As much as I don't like the idea of mixing in the Java code to now still 
(almost) pure scala modules - maybe just an aesthetic preference of mine.

I'd like to have an oportunity to add a Java test if it's something more 
complex in the future. - in cases where advantages and quickness of 
availability of java unit test outweigh the unniceness of the mixing.

So +1 for allowing java test cases in scala modules

thanks for the feedback ;)

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (www.infinispan.org)