2018-03-01 16:36 GMT+01:00 Tristan Tarrant <ttarrant@redhat.com>:
You need to use the brand new CacheAdmin API:


I'll look into that for Vert.x 3.6 which will be based on Infinispan 9.2.

Is there any way to achieve these goals with 9.1.x?


On 3/1/18 4:30 PM, Thomas SEGISMONT wrote:
> Hi,
> This email follows up on my testing of the Infinispan Cluster Manager
> for Vert.x on Kubernetes.
> In one of the tests, we want to make sure that, after a rolling update
> of the application, the data submitted to Vert.x' AsyncMap is still
> present. And I found that when the underlying cache is predefined in
> infinispan.xml, the data is present, otherwise it's not.
> I pushed a simple reproducer on GitHub:
> https://github.com/tsegismont/cachedataloss
> The code does this:
> - a first node is started, and creates data
> - new nodes are started, but they don't invoke cacheManager.getCache
> - the initial member is killed
> - a "testing" member is started, printing out the data in the console
> Here are my findings.
> 1/ Even when caches are declared in infinispan.xml, the data is lost
> after the initial member goes away.
> A little digging showed that the caches are really distributed only
> after you invoke cacheManager.getCache
> 2/ Checking cluster status "starts" triggers distribution
> I was wondering why the behavior was not the same as with my Vert.x
> testing on Openshift. And then realized the only difference was the
> cluster readiness check, which reads the cluster health. So I updated
> the reproducer code to add such a check (still without invoking
> cacheManager.getCache). Then the caches defined in infinispan.xml have
> their data distributed.
> So,
> 1/ How can I make sure caches are distributed on all nodes, even if some
> nodes never try to get a reference with cacheManager.getCache, or don't
> check cluster health?
> 2/ Are we doing something wrong with our way to declare the default
> configuration for caches [1][2]?
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> [1]
> https://github.com/tsegismont/cachedataloss/blob/master/src/main/resources/infinispan.xml#L10
> [2]
> https://github.com/tsegismont/cachedataloss/blob/master/src/main/resources/infinispan.xml#L22
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Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead and Data Grid Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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