Questions inlined:

On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 8:57 AM, Sebastian Laskawiec <> wrote:
Hey guys!

A while ago I started working on exposing Infinispan Cluster which is hosted in Kubernetes to the outside world:

What about SNI, wasn't this scenario the reason why it was implemented, IOW to allow HR clients to access an ispn hosted in the cloud?



I'm currently struggling to get solution like this into the platform [1] but in the meantime I created a very simple POC and I'm testing it locally [2]. 

What does "application" mean in the diagram? Are those different pods, or single containers part of a pod?

There isn't much doc available at [2], how does it work?

There are two main problems with the scenario described above:
  1. Infinispan server announces internal addresses (172.17.x.x) to the client. The client needs to remap them into external ones (172.29.x.x).

How would the external address be allocated, e.g. during scaling up and down and how the HR client would know how to map them correctly?
  1. A custom Consistent Hash needs to be supplied to the Hot Rod client. When accessing cache, the Hot Rod Client needs to calculate server id for internal address and then map it to the external one.
If there will be no strong opinions regarding to this, I plan to implement this shortly. There will be additional method in Hot Rod Client configuration (ConfigurationBuilder#addServerMapping(String mappingClass)) which will be responsible for mapping external addresses to internal and vice-versa.



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