
On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne@infinispan.org> wrote:

I occasionally have to hard-reset my whole workspace, delete the
Eclipse projects, and re-import them, especially when I switch between

I have lots of projects, and they are all nicely "grouped" as Eclipse
shows projects in alphabetical order, and all projects use a
consistent prefix like "hibernate-ogm-" or "wildfly-", etc..

But Infinispan often manages to fool me, as most modules have an
"infinispan-" prefix, but not all of them follow this rule so some get
to hide out of sight (I literally have hundreds of projects in my
primary workspace).

Could we please make sure they all have a name starting with "infinispan-" ?

If you agree I'm happy to send a PR to fix the couple of exotic ones.

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