Dear Infinispan community,

We're pleased to announce the final release of Infinispan 6.0 "Infinium". As announced, this is the first Infinispan stable version to be released under the terms of Apache License v2.0.

This release brings some highly demanded features besides many stability enhancements and bug fixes:

For a complete list of features included in this release please refer to the release notes.
The user documentation for this release has been revamped and migrated to the new website - we think it looks much better and hope you’ll like it too!
This release has spread over a period of 5 months: a sustained effort from the core development team, QE team and our growing community - a BIG thanks to everybody involved! Please visit our downloads section to find the latest release. Also if you have any questions please check our forums, our mailing lists or ping us directly on IRC.
