Hmmm, we now disabled CapeDwarf logging, and it runs a lot better.

We are logging every stuff that goes on,
and then it's up to user to filter it later -- this is how GAE does it.

The weird thing is that there shouldn't be any fine log traffic, INFO+ level only.
Marko is looking into this.

But sometimes users will want to have FINE log level,
meaning a lot more traffic will go into cache.
And then it still shouldn't kill the app -- as it does now.


On Apr 8, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Ales Justin <> wrote:

Steps to re-produce:

(1) checkout JBossAS 7.2.0.Final tag --> JBOSS_HOME

(2) build CapeDwarf Shared

(3) build CapeDwarf Blue

(4) build CapeDwarf AS

mvn clean install -Djboss.dir=<JBOSS_HOME> -Pupdate-as

This will install CapeDwarf Subsystem into previous AS 7.2.0.Final

(5) grab GAE 1.7.6 SDK

(6) Build GAE demos/helloorm2


cd war/

zip -r ROOT.war .

This will zip the demo app as ROOT.war,
which you then deploy to AS.

(7) start CapeDwarf


./ -c standalone-capedwarf.xml -b <IP>

(8) deploy the app / ROOT.war


Deploy this on a few nodes, goto browser: http://<IP:8080>,
add a few flights and see how it works.

It now runs a bit better, where we changed mstruk's laptop with luksa's.
But we still get replication locks ...

Also, the problem is that query on indexing slave takes waaay tooo long.

Anyway, you'll see. ;-)

Ping me for any issues.
