On 30 sept. 2011, at 16:46, Mircea Markus wrote:

Now there's a reason why merge was used there and not rebase. If you add a new file in a topic branch and modify it in several commits on the same topic branch, then during rebase git sees all these individual commits on the same files as conflicts, which makes rebase a real PTA. Optimistic locking impl had 52 commits, most of them touching same classes.  

There may be something else at play here. I'm almost certain that if you add a new file and subsequently change it in a topic branch and afterwards rebase to another branch it works without conflict.

+1. My only concern is that during the 10 mins in which I run the tests, my laptop cannot be used for development. Hopefully I'll get a new, more performant one next spring :)

Ask Steve J an ssh access to his machine and run the build from there. That might speed things up :)