On 18 Mar 2011, at 12:41, Mircea Markus wrote:

On 18 Mar 2011, at 12:32, Manik Surtani <manik@jboss.org> wrote:

On 18 Mar 2011, at 12:13, Mircea Markus wrote:


It's about the stage where TM's recovery  process finds a in-doubt transaction and notifies the sys admin about it: what hooks does ISPN provide to the sys admin in order to "fix" the tx.
E.g. step >= 3.3 : http://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/102-16552-14-11811/3_non_originator_failure.png

Here is what I have in mind:

Expose (JMX) two operations:

  //all the params together fully describe a xid.
  replayTx(byte[] txBranch, byte[] txId, int formatId);
  forceRollbackTx(byte[] txBranch, byte[] txId, int formatId);

You expect a sysadmin to type a byte array into a JMX console?  :-)  You might get death threats from sysadmins... 
I imagine untraceble threats, right?
String then...

Can an XID be mapped to a String (and vice versa) reliably, in a TransactionManager-independent manner?

Here is how these two ops would work:
A. replayTx
   1. the node has locally the PrepareCommand associated with that XID
- re-issues a prepare: TransactionXAResource.prepare
- if successful re-issues a commit: TransactionXAResource.commit
       -if failure happens at any step the user is informed and she/he can re-do the JMX call
- if success the recovery information is removed from the cluster (async)
   2. the node doesn't have the PrepareCommand associated with that XID
- broadcast ReplayTxCommand (Xid)
       - when a node receives ReplayTxCommand
- if doesn't have a PreparedCommand associated with the Xid ignores it
- if has a PreparedCommand...
- is it the first in the view that has it [1]?

How does a node know the answer to this question?  Is the list of nodes that holds the prepare replay info stored on the PrepareCommand?
No, [1] explains it

Ok, as long as this is deterministic.

- yes. Execute A.1then returns result to node that broadcasted ReplayTxCommand. This is guaranteed to happen on at most[2] one node in the cluster
- no. Ignores it.
- if success the recovery information is removed from the cluster (async)
  - node broadcasts RollbackCommand
  - each node that has the PrepareCommand forces a rollback
  - each node that doesn't have the PreparedCommand ignores it
  - if success the recovery information is removed from the cluster (async)


[1] this is determined by building the set of nodes on which tx spreads, based on tx's state. Then determine the first in the view.
[2] it is possible not to happen on any node as the PrepareCommand might had been removed from all nodes in between (node failures, expiration from the recovery cache).

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Manik Surtani

Lead, Infinispan