Personally as a user I'd expect to have a CacheException raised if and
only if it's not caused by my own code.
Imagine my own lambda is explicitly throwing an exception of a type of
my choice, it would be nice to receive that error and not a different
> ______________________________
On 28 April 2017 at 11:38, Katia Aresti <> wrote:
> Hi all !
> Radim pointed me to this thread discussing the exceptions launched by the
> lambda executed by the user.
> So, I've came accros this problem right now with the compute method.
> ComputeIfAbsent is used by the QueryCache [1]
> This method is now a Command, so when the wrapped lambda throws an
> exception, [2], the expected exception is the one raised by the lambda. But
> with my modifications, this exception is wrapped in a CacheException.
> I discussed with Adrien yesterday, and IMHO and his, a CacheException is not
> the same thing as the exception raised inside the lambda. Moreover, in this
> particular case, I don't know if users some code could be broken if we make
> the user get a CacheException that wrappes the ParseException instead of the
> ParseException itself.
> How can I fix the problem ?
> Should we correct the tests and say that, from now on, CacheException will
> be raised ?
> Should we handle this CacheException in the QueryCache class when
> computeIfAbsent is called ?
> Should we propagate the lambda's exception as it is ?
> Katia
> [1]
> src/main/java/org/infinispan/ query/dsl/embedded/impl/
> [2]
> src/test/java/org/infinispan/ query/dsl/embedded/ L1913
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