On 10/26/2011 06:29 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
First of all, what is the problem that the Hot Rod client has depending on core/ as it is? It's not clear from the JIRA.
Personally, what I don't like about the infinispan-core dependency is
that it makes you falsely think that you should keep the infinispan-core
version in sync on both sides.
But that's not true. You should be able to use infinispan-core as old as
the Hot rod protocol version allows even with the newest infinispan.
OTOH This problem will actually exist even with refactored packaging.
Actually, what I don't like is the fact that we say that this client is
e.g. infinispan 5.1.0.BETA2, but actually we should be saying that this
client supports hotrod v1 - infinispan version shouldn't bother us on
I like the JDBC comparison: when you connect to a database you are
not expected to: