On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Scott Marlow <smarlow@redhat.com> wrote:
On 10/10/2012 06:47 AM, Dan Berindei wrote:
Hi Scott

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 6:20 AM, Scott Marlow <smarlow@redhat.com
<mailto:smarlow@redhat.com>> wrote:

    I'm trying to understand more about whether it makes sense for a
    DefaultConsistentHash to be created with a non-local owner specified in
    the DefaultConsistentHash constructor "segmentOwners" parameter.

It definitely makes sense for such a DefaultConsistentHash to exist
while the cache is starting. But by the time the cache has started (i.e.
getCache() has returned), it should have been replaced with a
DefaultConsistentHash that contains the local node as well.

    During some AS7 cluster testing that I'm running on my machine, I'm
    seeing the test stall because we loop endlessly in
    KeyAffinityServiceImpl.getKeyForAddress().  We loop because
    KeyAffinityServiceImpl.generateKeys() doesn't add any keys.

    We don't generate any keys because
    DefaultConsistentHash.locatePrimaryOwnerForSegment() returns address
    "node-1/web" which never matches the local nodes filter
    (KeyAffinityServiceImpl.interestedInAddress() only filters for local
    owners via "node-0/web").

    http://pastie.org/5027574 shows the call stack for the
    DefaultConsistentHash constructor that is the same instance that is used
    above.  If you look at the call stack, it looks like the
    DefaultConsistentHash instance may of being serialized on the other node
    and sent over (which would explain why its owner is "node-1/web" but
    still not sure why/how it comes into play with local

My guess is you're able to access the cache before it has finished
starting, and the KeyAffinityService doesn't know how to deal with a
cache that doesn't have any local state yet. Again, this should not

I instrumented the DefaultConsistentHash constructor to call thread.dumpStack() only if the owner is "node-1/web" (so I could track the origin of the wrong DefaultConsistentHash instance being used).

Currently, I also have INFO level logging in the DefaultConsistentHash ctor that always shows:

DefaultConsistentHash ctor this=DefaultConsistentHash{numSegments=1, numOwners=2, members=[node-1/web, node-0/web], segmentOwners={0: 0 1}system identityHashCode=108706475,show segmentOwners[0 of 1] = [node-1/web, node-0/web]

DefaultConsistentHash ctor numSegments=1, numOwners=2

DefaultConsistentHash ctor this.segmentOwners[0][0] = node-1/web

I think I see the problem now... I missed it earlier, but you have configured numSegments = 1, which means there will only be one primary owner for all the keys in the cache. Since node-1 is still alive, it will remain the primary owner for the single segment, and node-0 will never become primary owner for any key. (It will be a backup owner, but KeyAffinityService only looks for primary owners.)

We probably need to add a check to the KeyAffinityServiceImpl constructor and abort if there are not enough segments for each node to be a primary owner (i.e. numSegments < numNodes). In the meantime, I think you can just increase numSegments in your configuration so that it's greater than the number of nodes and it should work.

Since this testing involves multiple tests (org.jboss.as.test.clustering.cluster.singleton.SingletonTestCase,org.jboss.as.test.clustering.cluster.web.ReplicationWebFailoverTestCase,org.jboss.as.test.clustering.cluster.web.GranularWebFailoverTestCase,org.jboss.as.test.clustering.cluster.web.passivation.SessionBasedSessionPassivationTestCase,org.jboss.as.test.clustering.cluster.web.passivation.AttributeBasedSessionPassivationTestCase,org.jboss.as.test.clustering.cluster.web.DistributionWebFailoverTestCase), its not surprising to see that we reach the DefaultConsistentHash constructor 12 times.  The segment owners for the 12 constructors are in the following:

1.  [node-0/web]
2.  [node-0/web]
3.  [node-0/web, node-1/web]
4.  [node-0/web, node-1/web]
5.  [node-1/web]
6.  [node-1/web]
7.  [node-1/web]
8.  [node-1/web, node-0/web]
9.  [node-1/web, node-0/web]
10. [node-1/web, node-0/web] (we use this one when stuck in a loop)
11. [node-0/web]
12. [node-0/web]

We are using the #10 DefaultConsistentHash constructed instance from above for several minutes to an hour (if I let the test run that long while the KeyAffinityServiceImpl.getKeyForAddress() continues in the loop).

Could there be a problem with the ordering of the segment owners?  or is it more that we never switch to use #11/#12 that is likely to be the timing problem?

The switch to 11/12 only happens after node-1 is dead. All the nodes in the cluster use the same consistent hash, and as long as you have only one segment for two nodes, there's always going to be one node that isn't a primary owner.

happen - getCache() should not return that soon - but it could be that
it does happen when multiple threads try to start the same cache in
parallel. Can you post logs with TRACE enabled for org.infinispan and/or
a link to your test code?

Sure, I can enable TRACE for Infinispan and attach the logs to the ISPN-2376 jira.  I'll add links to the test code there as well (as comments).

Also, KeyAffinityServiceImpl.generateKeys() contains:

// if we had too many misses, just release the lock and try again
if (missCount < maxMisses) {

I tried changing the above to a ">=" check and also tried removing the check (just did the keyProducerStartLatch.close()) neither of which had direct impact on the current problem.

I think it's very likely you also have a thread stuck in KeyAffinityServiceImpl.getKeyForAddress(), and that thread will re-open the latch - so that line doesn't really matter. But getKeyForAddress() could throw an exception if it sees there's no way for the target nodes to ever primary-own a key (i.e. numSegments < numNodes).
