On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 11:12 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne@infinispan.org> wrote:
On 1 February 2016 at 14:12, Sanne Grinovero <sanne@infinispan.org> wrote:
> The Uber Jars will always be more problematic than the "small ones" -
> as the testsuite doesn't cover them at the same level, if at all - so
> I don't think it would be wise to start having components to depend on
> them, especially as this looks like it might become viral: what about
> other component X that people will want to use with Spring?
> Also when you're deploying on WildFly you probably want to use the
> Logger from the application server as it's the one being managed. So
> the solution would be wither never use Uber Jars when deploying on the
> container, or remove JBoss Logger from the Uber Jars.
> Shall I state once more that the whole Uber Jars affair seems a really
> bad idea to me?

+1 to myself here :) as we're witnessing again reports of issues with them.

Unless someone has a solid explanation about why they are needed,
could we start making plans for their deprecation?

As far as I remember they were introduced to "reduce the number of
dependencies" but this isn't the right way.


Having an uber jar is mostly a convenience for those not using a proper dependency management
system or doing quick prototypes, but as soon as we start having several uber jars, putting them
inside osgi bundles and creating jboss modules with them, they become really alternate jars and
a maintenance burden for very little benefit.



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