On 9/15/11 2:51 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:
On 15 Sep 2011, at 14:44, Paolo Romano wrote:
Concerning costs. For option 2),
the prepare message should piggyback
the version identifiers of *each* data item that needs to be
checked...which may lead to big messages, if you needed to
test a lot of
data items. But the ws-check is done only on the data items
that are
both read and written within the same xact. So I'd expect
that normally
just a few keys would need to be write-skew checked (at
least this would
be the case for the wide majority of DBMS/STM benchmarks
I've been using
so far). Therefore I would not be too concerned with this
True, but if a vector clock is used as the underlying version
scheme, then the updating node would need to send across its
local clock for each data item, regardless of whether a ws-check
is needed for that data item or not. Correct?
In fact, my answer was targeting the non-eventual consistency case.
I don't know exactly what's the algorithm you've in your mind for
eventual consistency, thus I may be missing something here... but if
the updating node (say node i) increases its node clock (say to
value v) when one of its transactions commits, then the i-th entry
of the vector clock of *every* updated data item could be set to the
same value, namely v. So why not sending v only once?
Do you want to increase the value stored in the i-th entry of each
data item updated by a committing transaction independently (i.e.
data_item.VC[i]=data_item.VC[i]+1 instead of