Just a little fix:

"indexing data in the node is responsible for the data"
indexing data in the node responsible for the data
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:31 AM, Israel Lacerra <israeldl@gmail.com> wrote:

I think there is a misunderstanding in the way that LocalQueryInterceptor works (or, at least, in my understanding). LocalQueryInterceptor indexes data from calls originated locally. That is different from indexing data in the node is responsible for the" data, and I think we expect LocalQueryInterceptor works like this, right?

At least,in ISPN 200, we have this item:
"Each node maintains local indexes for state it is responsible
for (-Dinfinispan.query.indexLocalOnly=true)."

What you think about this? Should I change LocalQueryInterceptor? Should I create another interceptor just for clustered queries work??

