The test reporting seems broken: in the last master build [1] Jenkins reported 3 failures, but the console output shows:

       Tests run: 477, Failures: 0, Errors: 340, Skipped: 0

For the JCache TCK build.

Not sure if it's the report that is not generated correctly or the plugin who publishes the test is not doing its job.
I could not reproduce locally since for me the build hangs indefinitely.



On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Sebastian Laskawiec <> wrote:
Final update (I hope so)...

Phew, it was a busy time.... now points to Jenkins and all agents are up and running. 

Since all links on Pull Requests were broken (they were pointing to old Jenkins address), I retriggered all builds. The next things I would like to do (but no necessarily in closest future) are:
  1. Add a new slave for "small jobs". It will be a slower machine but will perform all JGroups, C++ etc builds.
  2. Add some monitoring. 